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It’s a new year! What does this mean for your deductible?
Deductibles have been reset for 2017. What does that mean? Each calendar year if you have a deductible they are...
April 22, 2017
Three Benefits to Meal Prepping
Save Time! Ever feel like you don’t want to cook because of the time spent in front of the stove? We’ve all been...
April 12, 2017
Fevers – Good or Bad?
Many infants and children develop high fevers with minor viral illnesses. Fever is an important part of the body’s...
April 10, 2017
How can Chiropractic help with Ear Infections?
Ear infections, or otitis media, account for over 35 % of all pediatrician visits in the United States and are the...
March 28, 2017
More Treat! Less Trick!
Introducing…. We now have an option available to save on your Chiropractic care! Joining...
March 11, 2017
Three Major Benefits to Sleep
Healthy Brain Function Ever have one of those days or even weeks where you just feel off? Losing productivity at...
March 5, 2017
An Overview of Sports Injuries
School has now started and so have many sports and extracurricular activities. It is important to start your sports...
February 25, 2017
I Slipped a Disc! How Did That Happen?
“Slipping a disc” is a term that some may use to describe a herniation or a bulge of a disc in the spine. The discs...
February 8, 2017
Whey ‘in in on the Situation: The importance of Protein in Your Everyday Diet
Do you have fitness goals? Not getting to where you want to be with them? You may be busting your butt working up a...
February 1, 2017
3 Reasons that YOU should be Drinking More Water
Increase energy Having trouble staying awake for that busy day? Drinking a full dose of water throughout the day...
January 31, 2017