Father’s Day is just around the corner; thus I thought it would be appropriate to share a few book recommendations that I have benefited from in relation to fatherhood. The first edition of this post was written almost 4 years ago! A couple kids later and a few more grey hairs my list has changed a bit.
1. Intentional Fatherhood by Jon Tyson. If you have sons, you want them to be good at being a man. But how? This book lays out the roadmap to help guide you and your son along this journey to manhood.
2. Man of the House by C.R. Wiley. An immensely practical book on how to provide and protect for your family while also considering the generations to come.
3. Family Economy by Rory Groves. Are you interested in being a productive household? This short little book offers great insight and ideas to help you and your family come together to produce good not only for one another, but your neighbors as well. Also check out Durable Trades.
4. Thriving Girl-Dad by Brian Young. A helpful little book on winning your daughter’s hearts.
5. Saint George and the Dragon. The power of stories is that they capture our imagination and create an experience that leaves an imprint within us. I could tell you a bunch of facts about heroes, bravery, strength, determination, but what if instead I told you about a knight that rides out with sword and shield to slay a dragon…
Fathers are invaluable to their homes and families. Be intentional. Be present. Keep working hard to be a blessing to your family. Happy Father’s Day!