Sports Injuries

You may have ignored the pain and carried on with your sport for too long without treatment, and now find yourself with a chronic injury. It is common to see sports injuries such as knee pain, shoulder pain, TFL syndrome, lower back pain, foot pain, tennis and golfers elbow, tendonitis, sciatica, and neck pain. Taping may be used during your appointment to support your movement between treatments. Taping has various uses, including pain relief, assist motion to improve movement patterns, guide motion to improve performance, and offer structural support by unloading strained muscles and ligaments.  Venture Chiropractic uses Dynamic Tape, Rock Tape, Kinesiology Tape, athletic tape, and leukotape. The most common of all the risk factors associated with work injury is repetitive stress. Small tasks that happen with poor posture create big problems over time. Twisting and turning while moving boxes and even continuous typing in a poor position. You would think it's the big package that falls on you, but it's the small ones handled more often each day that create the majority of injuries.

Kinesio Taping is Beneficial if You Suffer From:

  • Bodily pain such as back and neck, wrist, foot, ankle, shoulder, and knee pain
  • Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scar tissue

Taping effectively alleviates pain and promotes lymphatic drainage by gently lifting the skin. In addition to being hypoallergenic, the tape is water-resistant and can be worn for multiple days at a time before requiring replacement.

What's The Difference Between KT Tape and Athletic Tape?

Kinesiology tape allows you to have a normal range of motion while still providing support. In contrast, the athletic tape should only be applied a short time before an activity, and removed immediately after the activity, to ensure no further damage is done to the area

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