This is a common misconception. Many people that have been under consistent chiropractic care will share they can feel when it is time for an appointment. They start to feel more achy, sore, or decreased performance. It is ultimately up to you if you want to continue chiropractic care or not.
When starting chiropractic care each person’s care plan varies from one another. There are a few factors that create differences such as:
- How many injuries someone has?
- Severity of injuries
- Health status
- Response to care
We do our best to provide an estimated time we expect to see progress. This is shared throughout your plan and modified as necessary. There are also different stages of healing.
What are the stages of healing?
The first stage focuses on relief of symptoms and pain. It may take about a month to progress through this stage, though we want pain to decrease as soon as possible. We will work together and share recommendations such as ice vs. heat, gentle stretches, postural and breathing training, brace supports, or recommend a period of rest. The road to recovery is rarely a steady upward slope. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward and one step back. We are here to help you through the ups and downs.
The second stage focuses on stability and corrective care. Recommendations on how to stabilize and strengthen the spine such as corrective exercise and muscle work may be provided. At home recommendations will be provided. Often visits during this phase are less frequent. The more you take an active role in your care the less time this stage may take.
The final phase is wellness or maintenance care. Visit frequency is decreased again with the goal for you to incorporate the tips we have shared to maintain alignment and achieve optimal health, function, and performance.
How quickly one progresses through different levels or care depends on how consistently you show up to appointments, compliance to home exercise plan, and age. The doctors will monitor the progression of care with progress checks and share the results. These progress checks are incorporated into your office visit. If you are not getting better as anticipated we may change the type of treatment, order imaging, or refer to another health professional. If we cannot help we will connect you with someone who can.
At the end of the day, your health is your own journey. The frequency of continued care is ultimately your decision. We have some patients that chose to come in when they are only in pain or injure themselves and others who have committed to regular maintenance care because they love how they feel with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a conservative approach that works best as a team – the doctor and patient – working and communicating needs and wishes together.
How fast can I recover with chiropractic care?How quickly one progresses through different levels or care depends on how consistently you show up to appointments, compliance to home exercise plan, and age. The doctors will monitor the progression of care with progress checks and share the results. These progress checks are incorporated into your office visit. If you are not getting better as anticipated we may change the type of treatment, order imaging, or refer to another health professional. If we cannot help we will connect you with someone who can.
At the end of the day, your health is your own journey. The frequency of continued care is ultimately your decision. We have some patients that chose to come in when they are only in pain or injure themselves and others who have committed to regular maintenance care because they love how they feel with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a conservative approach that works best as a team – the doctor and patient – working and communicating needs and wishes together.
Whatever option you chose, we are always here at Venture Chiropractic to help you move better, feel better, and be a better you!
–Dr. Melanie Dockter DC, CACCP