While acupuncture and chiropractic are both forms of alternative medicine that focus on promoting healing and wellness, they have different approaches and methods. However, there can be instances where they may complement each other in a treatment plan, depending on the individual's condition and needs.

Acupuncture mainly involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to influence the flow of energy and restore balance[1]. It is often used to address various conditions such as pain management, stress reduction, and improving overall well-being.

Chiropractic, on the other hand, primarily focuses on the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors use manual adjustments or manipulations to align the spine properly and restore proper nervous system function, and increase joint mobility.[2]. Chiropractic care commonly addresses conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

In some cases, patients may benefit from a combination of acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. For example, chiropractic adjustments can help address underlying structural issues and improve alignment, while the combination of chiropractic and acupuncture may help with pain relief, muscle tension, or stress reduction[3].

Here at Venture, we offer both chiropractic and acupuncture with Dr. Kinzie. Frequently we get asked if chiropractic and acupuncture can be done in the same day? Absolutely!

We’d love to work with you!

-Kinzie Wetsch, DC


  1. Acupuncture: In Depth
  2. Chiropractic: In Depth
  3. Integration of Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Spinal Pain Management
Kinzie Wetsch  DC

Kinzie Wetsch DC

Chiropractor Acupuncture

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